GlobalAlert™ Emergency Broadcasting System

Supercharge your Case by reaching thousands of people.

GlobalAlert™ is a two-way messaging platform. It allows for messages to be broadcast to any device in a specific area (like zip or post codes) to thousands of people in a short time in ANY COUNTRY AROUND THE WORLD!!

Our system allows for the public to respond (anonymously if they wish) with timely and important information such as a missing persons case, police emergencies and various emergency operations.

GlobalAlert™ also has clear utility for government organizations across different emergency and crisis preparedness scenarios.

It operates on demand - there are no subscription or sign-on fees, or minimum spends.

Built for Public Safety and Missing Persons Cases!

GlobalAlert™ gives Public Safety officials access to the powerful communication tools used successfully in the commercial world.

GlobalAlert™ makes communication with your public faster and more efficient.

GlobalAlert™ provides the tools that modern emergency services needs.

Requesting an emergency broadcast is easy!!

As simple to use as filling in a form

1. You set up your emergency message using the appropriate template form.
2. GlobalAlert™ then sends your message to the targeted area (zip code or postal code) you have specified.
3. GlobalAlert™ then automatically generates a unique and secure webpage for the public to pass information back to us.
4. You are immediately advised of all responses.
5. All the relevant information is maintained for you to access at any time.

Make a Request
Check Request Status

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